SRC Patient Profiles - Auburn University | College of Veterinary Medicine
2024-091 Problems Notes Costs
Admission date2024-07-07
Final date -
Days in captivity62
SpeciesBDOW - Barred owl
BandBlue L 66
Corneal epithelial erosion OD
Fracture - femur, right
Hemoparasite - Hemoproteus
IM Pin + ESF Tie-In
Inability to blink OD
Ocular - corneal inclusion cyst, OS
Ocular - Corneal Ulcer, OS
Ocular - Detached Retina OD
Ocular - uveitis, OD
Ocular - uveitis, OS
Soft tissue wounds - right wing

Cause of injury: Collision - Vehicle

Ophtho recheck due 8/29

Found in Huntsville,AL
Madison county
Here is a summary of this patient's treatments and expenses:

Desc Qty Cost Subtotal
Daily rate6220.001240.00
Surgery, major1500.00500.00
Complete blood count158.0058.00
Packed cell volume18.078.07
Blood chemistry145.3545.35
Lab tests2Variable80.00
Total  3410.42

Costs are estimates based on fees charged at a local avian specialist.
Radiographs and images
























2024-09-06 16:47 MR

Group entry: 8 animals
80g M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-09-06 16:27 BT

Group entry: 8 animals
80g M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-09-06 10:36 CC

Visual recheck: Flying well, gripping perch and sides of enclosure, wary of humans. Bird appears healthy

2024-09-05 15:17 BT

Group entry: 9 animals
80g M, Ch, Q per bird

VitaHawk Friday Only: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon per bird on food.

2024-09-05 13:20 BT

Band changed to: Blue L 66

2024-09-05 11:47 CC

Dx: Superficial corneal ulcers OU: improved OD, healed OS, vitreal presentation OS
Plan: Subconjunctival injection of neopolygram (0.2 mL OU), okay to release to aviary. Recheck in one week.

Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-09-05
Examiner - CC
Stain Stain 
+ NEG 
Right eye:
Fluorescein uptake: Stippled Ant ch: Clear, formed Cornea: Faint white multifocal opacities at paraxial 6-9:00 position. Stippled FSTVE at lateral limbus FundicL Focal depigmentation at periphery of pecten, blunted pecten
Left eye:
Ant ch: Clear, formed, 1+ vitreal present Cornea: 2 linear white fibrotic areas of fobrosis acially, no inclusional-cyst-like structure seen.

2024-09-05 08:04 CC

Food: 60g M
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Optixcare EMS (yellow): (drop) OU
1 pellet, normal mutes, no leftovers

2024-09-04 16:20 JHF

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-09-04 08:13 CC
Weight: 818 grams
Food: 60g M
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Normal mutes, 1 pellet, no leftovers


2024-09-03 15:35 JHF

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-09-03 12:54 re

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-09-03 10:14 re

Collection date2024-08-16
Herpes PCR : Negative

2024-09-03 09:34 JHF

2024-09-03 09:34 JHF

Food: 60g M,Ch

2024-09-03 08:05 CC

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Optixcare EMS (yellow): (drop) OU
1 pellet, normal mutes, no leftovers

2024-09-02 09:36 JHF

Food: 60g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

BAR, Normal mutes, one pellet
No food left


2024-09-01 11:29 BT

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-09-01 08:45 JHF

Food: 60g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Optixcare EMS (yellow): (drop) OU

BAR, one pellet, normal mutes
no food left

2024-08-31 15:29 BT

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-08-31 09:34 CC
Weight: 812 grams
Food: 60g M
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
No leftovers, 2 pellets, normal mutes

2024-08-30 16:03 CC

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-08-30 08:45 BT

Food: 60g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Optixcare EMS (yellow): (drop) OU

Normal mutes, pellet, no leftovers

2024-08-29 17:00 CC

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-08-29 13:29 CC

Dx: corneal ulcer OU, vitreal presentation OS
Tx: Neopolygram TID OU, Optixcare EMS Q48H OU, d/c ketorolac
Recheck: 2 weeks, pending results from herpesvirus testing

Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-08-29
Examiner - CC
Stain Stain 
+ + 
Right eye:
Ant ch: clear & formed; Cornea: ventral horizontal linear uptake of stain, stippling on lateral aspect between 9-10 o' clock; Fundic: Blunted pecten with peri-pectinate linear pigment streaks
Left eye:
Ant ch: vitreal presentation; Cornea: ventral horizontal linear uptake of stain, central fibrosis present axially, yellow/brown inclusion cyst present at 10 o' clock.

2024-08-29 13:25 re

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 60g M,Ch SID
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Optixcare EMS (yellow): (drop) OU on 2024-08-30, 2024-09-01, 2024-09-03, 2024-09-05,
d/c ketorolac

2024-08-29 09:58 BT

Food: 58g M,Ch

2024-08-29 08:02 CC

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

2024-08-28 16:40 CC

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-08-28 10:24 BT

Food: 56g M,Ch

2024-08-28 08:12 CC
Weight: 812 grams
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

Weight:3% gain

2024-08-27 16:20 CC

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU - 1 drop

2024-08-27 10:19 re

2024-08-27 08:49 CC

Food: 60g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (yellow): (drop) OU

2024-08-26 17:04 re

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

2024-08-26 10:01 re

Food: 60g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
BAR, one pellet, normal mutes, no leftovers

2024-08-25 16:37 re

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-08-25 09:15 re

Food: 60g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (yellow): (drop)

BAR, normal mutes, no leftovers, one pellet

2024-08-24 16:51 BT

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-08-24 13:10 BT

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-08-24 10:06 BT

Food: 60g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
pellet, normal mutes, no leftovers

2024-08-23 11:03 re

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 60g M,Ch SID
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU SID - 1 drop

2024-08-23 10:08 re

Food: 65g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
BAR, two pellets, normal mutes, no leftovers

2024-08-22 15:46 BT

Food: 30g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-08-22 12:57 SAK

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-08-22 09:09 AZ
Weight: 789 grams
Gained 36 g (5% increase)

2024-08-22 09:09 AZ

Food: 29g M
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

2024-08-21 15:25 MR

Food: 29g M
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-08-21 08:59 SAK

Food: 33g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (yellow): (drop) OU

1 pellet, urates, feces present
no leftovers

2024-08-20 16:08 SAK

Food: 32g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-08-20 09:12 SAK

Food: 28g M

2024-08-20 08:15 SAK

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
No leftovers, pellet, urates, feces present

2024-08-19 16:07 SAK

Food: 30g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-08-19 12:00 SAK

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-08-19 11:39 SAK

Food: 30g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (yellow): (drop) OU

no leftovers, pellet, urates/feces present

2024-08-18 15:33 BT

Food: 28g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-08-18 08:29 BT

Food: 31g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
BAR, no pellet, normal mutes, no leftovers

2024-08-17 17:02 re

Food: 30g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

2024-08-17 09:28 re

Food: 30g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (yellow): (drop) OU
BAR, one pellet, normal mutes, no leftovers

2024-08-16 15:37 KT

Food: 29g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

2024-08-16 09:18 re

Food: 29g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
BAR, one pellet, normal mutes, no leftovers

2024-08-15 15:41 BT

Food: 30g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

2024-08-15 09:46 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 30g M,Ch BID
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU SID - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (yellow): (drop) OU on 2024-08-17, 2024-08-19, 2024-08-21
Update Ketorolac SID

2024-08-15 09:41 re

Food: 29g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (yellow): (drop) OU
BAR, one pellet, normal mutes, no leftovers

Swab sent to University of Florida for herpes testing

2024-08-14 15:18 BT

Food: 31g M,Ch

Bird at eye drops given PM yet

2024-08-14 13:35 BT

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-08-14 09:34 BT
Weight: 753 grams
+7 g (1%)
Food: 32g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

normal mutes, pellet, no leftovers

2024-08-14 09:23 re

Diagnosis: OS suspected inclusion cyst or abscess.

Treatment: Continue NeoPolyGram OU TID, EMS OU every 48hrs, Ketorolac OU SID

Recheck: 2 weeks (8/29)

Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-08-14
Examiner - re
Stain Stain 
+ + 
Right eye:
AntCh: clear and formed; Cornea: Stippling uptake at 9:00 position; Blunted pecten w/ multiple linear pigmental streaks, depigmentation of pecten, multiple areas of depigmentation of fundus
Left eye:
AntCh: formed and few cells; Cornea: yellow circular 50% depth structure ~ cyst, fibrosis; stain positive

2024-08-13 16:21 SAK

Food: 30g M
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

2024-08-13 09:44 re

Food: 32g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (yellow): (drop) OU
BAR, one pellet, no leftovers, normal mutes

2024-08-12 15:35 re

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 30g M,Ch BID
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU BID - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (yellow): (drop) OU on 2024-08-13, 2024-08-15, 2024-08-17, 2024-08-19,
Stain: OU
Added Optixcare EMS

2024-08-12 15:31 re

Food: 30g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

2024-08-12 10:22 AMS

Food: 30g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
BAR, normal mutes, one pellet, no leftovers

2024-08-12 09:09 re

Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-08-12
Examiner - re
Stain Stain 
+ NEG 
Right eye:
stain uptake at very dorsal 11 o-clock position ~5mm x 2mm
Left eye:
no stain uptake, cornea appears smooth

2024-08-11 15:30 JMG

Food: 28g M
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

2024-08-11 08:44 JMG

Food: 33g M
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (yellow): (drop) OU

BAR, ate all food, left pellet, normal mutes.

2024-08-10 15:21 SET

Food: 30g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

2024-08-10 11:11 re

Culture Description LIGHT GROWTH


2024-08-10 08:54 BE

Food: 32g M
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

BAR, ate all food, left a pellet, normal mutes

2024-08-09 15:30 SET

Food: 32g Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (yellow): (drop) OU

2024-08-09 09:16 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 30g M,Ch BID
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU BID - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (yellow): (drop) OU on 2024-08-11

2024-08-09 09:15 SET

Food: 30g M,Ch
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (yellow): (drop) OU

BAR, no leftovers, normal mutes

2024-08-08 16:51 re

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU BID - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (yellow): (Enter drug form) OU on 2024-08-09, 2024-08-11
Laser therapy: Right femur
Consult: Ophtho -
d/c gabapentin and TMS, added Optixcare EMS and NeopolyGram

2024-08-08 16:51 SET

Food: 60g M,
TMS: 0.78 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Laser therapy: Right femur
Consult: Ophtho -

2024-08-08 15:10 SET

Right Eye: Focal oval superficial ulcer laterally at 9:00. 3+ mydriasis. Faint axial ALC fibrosis. Blunted pecten with multiple radiating linear pigmented streaks at the peripery with focal areas of depigmentation at the periphery. (suspect retinal tears)

Left Eye: Few cells in the anterior chamber. Faint linear axial fibrosis. Focal superficial ulcer at peripheral 5:00.

Dx: uveitis OS-improving, superficial corneal ulcers OU, suspected retinal tears/detachment OD

Plan: NPGram OU Q8H, EMS OU q48H, Ketorolac OU Q12H, restain in 1-week (Monday)

Recheck: 1 week if stain positive, 2 weeks if stain negative

Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-08-08
Examiner - SET
Stain Stain 
+ + 
Right eye:
PLR decreased
Left eye:

2024-08-08 15:00 SET

Imagery report
Performed bySET
PositioningPelvis VD, Pelvis DV, R Extremit
ISO via mask
Fracture is continuing to heal. The sites from the pins that were removed did not appear to have any complications. 

The remaining pin fragment is surrounded by lucency. DDX previous or current movement of the pin fragment or osteolysis. 

2024-08-08 08:46 SET

TMS: 0.78 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Laser therapy: Right femur
Consult: Ophtho -

BAR, no leftovers, normal mutes, pellet

2024-08-07 16:00 SET

Food: 32g M,
TMS: 0.78 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -

2024-08-07 08:51 RE

Updated medication doses based on a latest weight of 746 g

2024-08-07 08:01 SET
Weight: 746 grams
Food: 30g M,Ch
TMS: 0.76 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -

Weight: 746g (2% decrease)

BAR, no leftovers, normal mutes, pellet

Pin sites look clean and dry, no purulent discharge or erythema noted.

2024-08-06 15:27 SET

Food: 36g M,Ch
TMS: 0.76 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -

2024-08-06 07:56 SET

Food: 33g M
TMS: 0.76 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -

BAR, no leftovers, normal mutes, pellet
Pin sites look clean and dry, no purulent discharge or erythema noted.

Using the right leg to perch and is very symmetrical

2024-08-05 15:01 SET

Food: 33g M,
TMS: 0.76 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Laser therapy: Right femur

2024-08-05 11:13 SET

------------- LASER THERAPY ----------------
Power (joules): 765
Time: 8:30
Location: Right femur
Notes: 20Hz

2024-08-05 09:08 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 30g M,Ch BID
TMS: 0.76 ml (48 mg/ml) BID PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) BID PO
Ketorolac - OU BID - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU BID -
Laser therapy: Right femur
D/C Neopolygram

2024-08-05 07:51 SET

Food: 29g M
TMS: 0.76 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -

BAR, no leftovers, normal mutes, pellet
Pin sites look clean and dry, no purulent discharge or erythema noted

Using the right leg to perch and is very symmetrical

2024-08-04 15:54 SET

Food: 35g M
TMS: 0.76 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -

2024-08-04 11:31 AN

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-08-04 09:34 SET

Food: 31g M
TMS: 0.76 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -

BAR, no leftovers, normal mutes,
Pin sites look clean and dry, no purulent discharge or erythema noted

Using the right leg to perch and is very symmetrical

2024-08-03 15:28 BE

Food: 35g M
TMS: 0.76 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -

2024-08-03 12:12 AN

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-08-03 08:14 BE

Food: 30g M,Ch
TMS: 0.76 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -

BAR, ate all food, normal mutes, left a pellet
Pin sites look clean and dry, no purulent discharge noted, no erythema surrounding the sites
Using that leg to perch and is very symmetrical

2024-08-02 14:50 SET

Food: 30g M,Ch
TMS: 0.76 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -

2024-08-02 13:30 SET

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-08-02 12:42 SET

Pin tracts were examined and purulent discharge was noted to be coming from both the proximal and distal pin tracts.

Cytology of pin tract
- Neutrophils: 2+
- Bacteria: none observed

----- Sedation/Anesthesia -----
ASA status: 2
Premedication: none
Induction: none
Maintenance: Isoflurane
Intubation: mask
Vascular access: none
Monitoring: Heart rate
Effectiveness: Adequate plane of anesthesia maintained
Complications: none
Reversal: none

Anesthetized for removal of the IM pin and ESF pin.

2024-08-02 07:39 SET

Food: NPO
TMS: 0.76 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU - only on non EMS days
Stain: OU

BAR, no leftovers, pellet, normal mutes, bandage is off of the ex-fix.

2024-08-01 17:17 SET

Food: 30g M,Ch
TMS: 0.76 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU - only on non EMS days

2024-08-01 13:07 SET

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-08-01 08:10 BE

------------- LASER THERAPY ----------------
Power (joules): 765
Time: 8:30
Location: Right femur
Notes: 20Hz

Bandage replaced, a light pink discharge was noted from the proximal pin tract. No discharge from the distal pin tract. Pin sites were cleaned with diluted betadine and triple antibiotic ointment was applied.

2024-08-01 07:48 SET

Food: 30g M,Ch
TMS: 0.76 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU - only on non EMS days

BAR, no leftovers, one pellet, normal mutes.

2024-07-31 15:37 SET

Food: 30g M,Ch
TMS: 0.76 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

2024-07-31 13:15 BE

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-07-31 10:23 AMS

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 30g M,Ch BID
TMS: 0.76 ml (48 mg/ml) BID PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) BID PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU BID - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU BID - only on non EMS days

2024-07-31 08:26 SET
Weight: 765 grams
Food: 29g M
TMS: 0.76 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (Yellow): (Ocular) OU

BAR, no leftovers, one pellet, normal mutes

Weight: 765 g (5% increase)

2024-07-30 17:24 BT

Food: 35g M,Ch
TMS: 0.76 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU - only on non EMS days

2024-07-30 14:17 re

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 30g M,Ch BID
TMS: 0.76 ml (48 mg/ml) BID PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) BID PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU BID - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU BID - only on non EMS days
Optixcare EMS (Yellow): (Ocular) OU on 2024-07-31
TMS added

2024-07-30 14:14 BE

------------- LASER THERAPY ----------------
Power (joules): 765
Time: 8:30
Location: Right femur
Notes: 20Hz

Bandage replaced, a light pink discharge was noted from the distal pin tract. No discharge from the proximal pin tract.
Pin sites cleaned with diluted betadine and triple antibiotic ointment was applied.
Cytology of pin tract
- Neutrophils: 2+
- Bacteria: none observed

2024-07-30 13:54 BE

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-07-30 09:22 AMS

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 30g M,Ch BID
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) BID PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU BID - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU BID - only on non EMS days
Optixcare EMS (Yellow): (Ocular) OU on 2024-07-31
d/c meloxicam

2024-07-30 07:53 BT

Food: 30g M,Ch
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU - only on non EMS days

BAR, no leftovers, one pellet, normal mutes

2024-07-29 16:09 BT

Food: 30g M,Ch
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

2024-07-29 12:54 BE

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-07-29 10:33 BE

Food: 30g M,Ch
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (Yellow): (Ocular) OU

2024-07-29 09:21 AMS

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 30g M,Ch BID
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) BID PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU BID - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU BID - only on non EMS days
Optixcare EMS (Yellow): (Ocular) OU on 2024-07-31
d/c TMS

2024-07-28 15:57 re

Food: 34g M,Ch
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU - only on non EMS days

2024-07-28 09:21 SE

Food: 31g M
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -

BAR, one pellet, normal mutes, no leftovers

2024-07-27 16:51 AN

Food: 28g M,Ch
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU - only on non EMS days
Optixcare EMS (Yellow): (Ocular) OU

2024-07-27 12:58 AN

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-07-27 08:26 SE

Food: 29g M
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (Yellow): (Ocular) OU

BAR, one pellet, normal mutes, no leftovers

2024-07-26 16:02 SE

Food: 34g M
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -

2024-07-26 10:58 re

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 30g M,Ch BID
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) BID PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) BID PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU BID - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU BID - only on non EMS days
Optixcare EMS (Yellow): (Ocular) OU on 2024-07-27, 2024-07-29, 2024-07-31
Laser therapy: Right femur
Wound care/bandage change: check and clean pins. Use Triple Antibiotic Ointment

2024-07-26 08:30 SE

Food: 30g M,Ch
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -

BAR, one pellet, normal mutes, no leftovers

2024-07-25 16:28 SAK

Food: 33g M,Ch
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

2024-07-25 13:06 SH

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-07-25 09:40 SE

Food: 30g M
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (Yellow): (Ocular) OU
Consult: Ophtho - 8/8/24

2024-07-25 08:34 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 30g M,Ch BID
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) BID PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) BID PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU BID - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU BID - only on non EMS days
Optixcare EMS (Yellow): (Ocular) OU on 2024-07-27, 2024-07-29, 2024-07-31
Consult: Ophtho -

2024-07-24 17:05 SE

Food: 29 g M
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -

2024-07-24 15:09 SE

----- Sedation/Anesthesia -----
ASA status: 2
Premedication: None.
Induction: None.
Maintenance: Isoflurane
Intubation: None.
Vascular access: None.
Monitoring: Doppler on left radial artery. Temperature.
Effectiveness: Adequate plane of anesthesia maintained throughout procedure.
Complications: None.
Reversal: None.

------------- LASER THERAPY ----------------
Power (joules): 765
Time: 4:00
Location: Right femur
Notes: Anesthetized to remove external portion of the proximal ESF pin because imaging showed that it had broken. Wound looked good, no erythema or discharge noted. Sutures were removed, then wound cleaned with dilute betadine. Laser therapy was performed. Bandage was placed.

2024-07-24 08:40 SE
Weight: 729 grams
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU

BAR, one pellet, normal urates, no leftovers

2024-07-24 08:33 re

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) BID PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU BID - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU BID - only on non EMS days
Optixcare EMS (Yellow): (Ocular) SID OU

2024-07-23 16:56 re

OD: Formed trace flare, 1+ cell. Focal pinpoint area of fibrosis at paraxial 8:00 position. Focal superficial corneal ulcer at peripheral 7:00 position with flat epithelial edges. Pigment dusting on ALC. 3-4+ mydriasis. Blunted pecten with multiple radiating linear pigmented streaks at periphery with focal areas of depigmentation at periphery (suspected retinal tears).

OS: Formed, trace flare. Focal fibrin clot at ventral pupil margin.

Dx: Uveitis OU improving. Superficial corneal ulcers OU - healed OS, active OD. Suspected retinal tears/detachment OD.

Plan: NeoPolyGram OD TID, EMS QD q48h, Ketorolac OU BID, Optixcare Plus OS BID.

Recheck: 2 weeks

Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-07-23
Examiner - SE
Stain Stain 
+ NEG 
Right eye:
Palpebral POS, Dazzle +/-, Photopic Non Fn, Blepharospasm NEG, Discharge NEG, Conj hyperemia NEG, Chemosis NEG, Episcleral Inj NEG
Left eye:
Palpebral POS, Dazzle POS, Photopic Non Fn, Blepharospasm NEG, Discharge NEG, Conj hyperemia NEG, Chemosis NEG, Episcleral Inj NEG

2024-07-23 16:30 SE

Food: 29g Ch
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus OU

2024-07-23 14:37 SE

Imagery report
Performed bySE
PositioningPelvis VD, Extremity CrCd & R la
ISO via mask
Broken proximal ESF pin. External piece displaced dorsally, pin fragment in bone remained in place. Cranioproximally displaced, short oblique, mildly comminuted fracture of proximal diaphysis of right femur still present. Fracture has minimal healing compared to last radiographs (3 weeks ago). No significant bridging callus appreciated.

2024-07-23 08:33 SE

Food: 32g M,Ch
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

Laser therapy: Right femur
Wound care/bandage change: check and clean pins. Use Triple Antibiotic Ointment

BAR, normal pellet and mutes, no leftovers

2024-07-22 17:31 SE

Food: 31g M,Ch
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

2024-07-22 13:59 AN

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -

2024-07-22 12:09 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 30g M,Ch BID
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) BID PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU BID - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (Yellow): (Ocular) SID OU
d/c tramadol

2024-07-22 10:08 SAK

Food: 30g M,Ch
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (Yellow): (Ocular) OU
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)

2024-07-22 08:39 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 30g M,Ch BID
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) BID PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU BID - 1 drop
Optixcare EMS (Yellow): (Ocular) SID OU
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) BID PO (d/c on 7/22)
Add EMS and d/c optixcare plus

2024-07-21 15:23 BT

Food: 30g M,Ch
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO

Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)

2024-07-21 12:02 AN

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -

2024-07-21 08:33 SH

Food: 30g M,Ch
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)
BAR, 1 pellet, normal mutes, zero left overs, bandage intact.

2024-07-20 16:51 AN

Food: 31g M,Ch
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)

2024-07-20 12:01 AN

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -

changed eye drop card to match updates on Friday

2024-07-20 08:12 SH

Food: 30g M,Ch
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)
BAR, zero pellets, normal mutes, zero left overs, bandage not intact and will be replaced this evening.

2024-07-19 17:05 AMS

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 30g M,Ch BID
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) BID PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU BID - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU TID -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) BID PO (d/c on 7/22)
Stain: OU
Wound care/bandage change: check and clean pins. Use Triple Antibiotic Ointment
reduced ketorolac to BID due to ulcers

2024-07-19 16:29 BT

Food: 32 g M,Ch
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)

Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-07-19
Examiner - AMS/SE
Stain Stain 
+ + 
Right eye:
Circular ulcer, 3mm diameter, around 7:00 position.
Left eye:
Large, geographic corneal ulcer extending from 12:00 to 4:00 position. Two circular, 2mm, isolated ulcers at tip of geographic ulcer around 4:00 position. Linear ulcer measuring about 1 cm long and 2 mm wide extending from 10:00 to 12:00 position.

2024-07-19 13:00 SE

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -

2024-07-19 08:00 SE

Food: 30g M, Ch
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)

BAR, one pellet, normal urates, no leftovers

2024-07-18 15:47 SAK

Food: 32g M,Ch
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)

2024-07-18 09:15 SE

Food: 32g M,Ch
Ceftiofur CF q72h: 0.07 ml (100 mg/ml) IM
TMS: 0.73 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.11 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.47 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)
Wound care/bandage change: check and clean pins. Use Triple Antibiotic Ointment

BAR, one pellet, normal urates, no leftovers
There was a small abrasion noted on right wing close to a follicle. Cleaned with dilute betadine and applied TAO.

------------- LASER THERAPY ----------------
Power (joules): 765
Time: 8:30
Location: Right femur
Notes: Bandage was removed by 091 overnight. Pin tracts all look clean. The incision is c/d/i. There is no bruising or erythema present. Fracture alignment is good. Laser treatment performed. Cleaned the pin tracts with dilute betadine, applied TAO, and covered with tegaderm. Placed cast padding and coflex around the bar and pins.

2024-07-18 08:35 rle

Updated medication doses based on a latest weight of 701 g

2024-07-17 16:01 BT

Food: 30g M,Ch
TMS: 0.66 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.10 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.43 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)

2024-07-17 11:58 BT

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -

2024-07-17 08:42 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 30g M,Ch BID
Ceftiofur CF q72h: 0.06 ml (100 mg/ml) IM on 2024-07-18
TMS: 0.66 ml (48 mg/ml) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.10 ml (100mg/ml) BID PO
Meloxicam: 0.43 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU TID - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU TID -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) BID PO (d/c on 7/22)

2024-07-17 08:26 SE
Weight: 701 grams
Food: 30g M,Ch
TMS: 0.66 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.10 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.43 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)

BAR, one pellet, normal urates, no leftovers

2024-07-16 15:45 SAK

Food: 32g Ch
TMS: 0.66 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.10 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.43 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)

2024-07-16 14:11 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 30g M,Ch BID
TMS: 0.66 ml (48 mg/ml) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.10 ml (100mg/ml) BID PO
Meloxicam: 0.43 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU TID - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU TID -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) BID PO (d/c on 7/22)
Updated Laser/Wound Cleaning, Stain OU
D/C pulling P for meds, put in food.

2024-07-16 10:45 AZ

Food: 32g M
TMS: 0.66 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.10 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.43 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)

2024-07-16 08:00 SE

Food: 30 M,CH
TMS: 0.66 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.10 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.43 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)

BAR, one pellet, normal mutes, no leftovers

2024-07-15 15:44 AN

Food: 33g M
TMS: 0.66 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.10 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.43 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)

2024-07-15 14:30 SE

Treatment: Continue NeoPolyGram, Ketorolac, and Optixcare OU TID.

Plan: Stain on Friday (7/19). Recheck ophtho exam 7/25.

Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-07-15
Examiner - SE
Stain Stain 
Right eye:
PLR present, but diminished. Pupil is mydriatic, resulting in anisocoria. Blinking normally.
Left eye:

2024-07-15 14:30 SE

Removed bandage, pin tracts all look good, clean. The incision is c/d/i. There is no bruising present. Fracture alignment is good. After laser tx, cleaned the pin tracts with dilute betadine, applied TAO, and covered with tegaderm. Placed cast padding and coflex around the bar and pins.

------------- LASER THERAPY ----------------
Power (joules): 765
Time: 8:30
Location: Right femur

2024-07-15 11:10 AN

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

2024-07-15 09:14 AN

Food: 32g M
Ceftiofur CF q72h: 0.06 ml (100 mg/ml) IM
TMS: 0.66 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.10 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.43 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)

2024-07-14 15:48 BT

Food: 30 M,CH
TMS: 0.66 ml (48 mg/ml) PO

Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.10 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.43 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)

2024-07-14 11:50 AN

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

2024-07-14 10:03 BT

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 30 M,CH BID
Ceftiofur CF q72h: 0.06 ml (100 mg/ml) IM on 2024-07-15
TMS: 0.66 ml (48 mg/ml) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.10 ml (100mg/ml) BID PO
Meloxicam: 0.43 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU TID - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU TID -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) BID PO (d/c on 7/22)

Removed "Tweezer feed" Patient eating on own

2024-07-14 09:57 BT

Tweezer feed: 33g M, Ch
TMS: 0.66 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.10 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.43 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)

2024-07-13 16:21 BT

30g M, Ch
TMS: 0.66 ml (48 mg/ml) PO

Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.10 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.43 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)

2024-07-13 11:46 AN

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop

2024-07-13 09:56 BT

Tweezer feed: 31g M, Ch
TMS: 0.66 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.10 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.43 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)

Tweezer fed a few pieces, left rest in cage

2024-07-13 08:43 BT

No Leftovers...eating on own.

2024-07-12 16:35 SAK

Tweezer feed: 30g M, Ch
TMS: 0.66 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.10 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.43 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)

2024-07-12 16:27 SAK

------------- LASER THERAPY ----------------
Power (joules): 765
Time: 8:30
Location: Right femur

2024-07-12 10:11 BT

Tweezer feed: 30g M, Ch

Did NOT tweezer feed this AM. Food wasn't cut, so I left two mice to see if bird would eat on own.
May need to tweezer PM food.

Ceftiofur CF q72h: 0.06 ml (100 mg/ml) IM
TMS: 0.66 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.10 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.43 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)
Laser therapy: Right femur
Wound care/bandage change: check and clean pins. Use Triple Antibiotic Ointment
Place interdigital bandage on L foot in conjunction with am treatments

2024-07-11 15:22 AMS

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Tweezer feed: 30g M, Ch BID
Ceftiofur CF q72h: 0.06 ml (100 mg/ml) IM on 2024-07-12, 2024-07-15
TMS: 0.66 ml (48 mg/ml) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.10 ml (100mg/ml) BID PO
Meloxicam: 0.43 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU TID - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU TID -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) BID PO (d/c on 7/22)
Laser therapy: Right femur
Wound care/bandage change: check and clean pins. Use Triple Antibiotic Ointment

2024-07-11 14:57 RE

Updated medication doses based on a latest weight of 635 g

2024-07-11 14:55 re

Tweezer feed: 35g M, Ch
TMS: 0.64 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.10 ml (100mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.41 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) PO (d/c on 7/22)

2024-07-11 13:44 re

NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -

2024-07-11 13:32 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Tweezer feed: 30g M, Ch BID
Ceftiofur CF q72h: 0.06 ml (100 mg/ml) IM on 2024-07-12, 2024-07-15
TMS: 0.64 ml (48 mg/ml) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.05 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.10 ml (100mg/ml) BID PO
Meloxicam: 0.41 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU TID - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU TID -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) BID PO (d/c on 7/22)
Laser therapy: Right femur
Wound care/bandage change: check and clean pins. Use Triple Antibiotic Ointment

2024-07-11 11:40 re

CBC: sample lysed (likely too close to ice pack), smudge cells, and WBC clumps have likely distorted/altered results; reported differential wnl; Haemoproteus (few, no tx indicated)

Chem: no significant abnormalities

EPH: beta globulins are increased and reflective of acute inflammation

Serum chemistry
Collection date2024-07-09
AST681 U/LPhos5.7 mg/dl
BA2 umol/LTP4.0 g/dl
CK148 U/LAlb0.0 g/dl
UA7.2 mg/dlGlob0.0 g/dl
Glu277 mg/dlK+3.1 mmol/l
Ca10.6 mg/dlNa+150 mmol/l
  AMY328 U/L
Hem , Lip , Ict
Collection date2024-07-09
WBC count10000
Corrected count10000
Hets/Neut65% - 6500
Lymphs26% - 2600
Eos0% - 0
Mono8% - 800
Baso1% - 100
Read byUMiami Avian & Wildlife Lab
The blood was partially or fully lysed. This may be due to the use of an incorrect anticoagulat or shipping artifact such as being placed to close to a cold pak. This CBC was completed using the blood smear submitted with the sample and includes a WBC est

2024-07-11 10:41 AMS

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Tweezer feed: 30g M, Ch BID
Ceftiofur CF q72h: 0.06 ml (100 mg/ml) IM on 2024-07-12, 2024-07-15
TMS: 0.64 ml (48 mg/ml) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.05 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ (ask about d/c on 7/25)
Gabapentin Oral Susp 15 mg per kg: 0.10 ml (100mg/ml) BID PO
Meloxicam: 0.41 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU TID - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU TID -
Tramadol: 0.95 ml (Oral Suspension 10 mg/mL) BID PO (d/c on 7/22)
Wound care/bandage change: check and clean pins. Use Triple Antibiotic Ointment

2024-07-11 08:57 re

Tweezer feed: 33g M, Ch
TMS: 0.64 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SQ
Meloxicam: 0.41 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU -
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
BAR, one pellet, normal mutes, No food given yesterday

2024-07-10 16:23 AMS

Surgery report
Procedure - Fracture repair - femur
Performed by - AMS
Surgery time - 125 minutes

Patient was placed in left sternolateral recumbency.  Feathers
were plucked along the right leg from the hip distal to the stifle.
 Surrounding feathers were taped out of the field.  The distal
right limb was covered in vetrap.  Standard surgical scrub/prep
with the right leg hung from above.  Sterile vetrap was placed
over the distal right limb.  The patient was draped.  An incision
was made over the lateral aspect of the femur. Blunt dissection
was used to separate the iliotibialis lateralis from the ventral
flexor muscle group.  Continued blunt dissection and retraction
were used until the fracture site could be exposed.  A 2.4mm
(3/32”) IM pin with one tip blunted was introduced retrograde
from the fracture site and a Jacob’s chuck was used to exit the
pin at the proximal femur.  The surrounding muscles then had
to be fatigued to achieve alignment of the fracture.  The IM
pin was introduced into the distal portion of the femur and seated
¾ of the way into the medulla.  An ESF pin (Imex miniature interface
fixation half-pin) 1.6mm (0.062”) was placed in the distal femoral
condyles from lateral to medial using a mini hand chuck.  A second
ESF pin 1.1mm (0.045”) was placed similarly in the proximal femur.
 The IM pin was then advanced as distally as possible within
the medulla.  A lateral fragement of bone was secured in place
by apposing muscle over it with 6-0 PDS SI.  The muscle bellies
were then apposed using 5-0 PDS SC. The fascia was apposed using
5-0 PDS SC.  The skin was apposed using 5-0 PDS SC in two sections.
 The IM pin was bent 90 degrees using a vice grip and chuck.
 The patient was then moved to radiology.  Radiographs confirmed
appropriate positioning of the IM and ESF pins.  The patient
was then moved to anesthesia prep.  The Imex Acrylx tubing and
methacrylate-based composite resin kit was used to form a bar
connecting the IM pin and 2 ESF pins on the lateral side of the
right femur.  Once hardened, the pins were covered with sterile
Telfa and the bar was wrapped in a padded bandage. The patient
was then recovered from anesthesia.  

2024-07-10 09:27 re
Weight: 635 grams
TMS: 0.64 ml (48 mg/ml) PO
Meloxicam: 0.41 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Ketorolac - OU - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU -
QAR, no pellet, normal mutes
Weight gain 4%

2024-07-09 16:31 re

OD pecten note: blunted pecten w/ radiating linear retinal tears at dorsal periphery of pecten w/ multifocal areas of depigmentation dorsonasal.

Diagnosis: Uveitis OU, partial retinal detachment OD
Treatment: NeoPolyGram OU TID, ketorolac OU TID, Optixcare Plus (purple) OU TID, meloxicam PO BID
Recheck: 2 weeks, restain at center in 1 week

Eye exam
Exam date - 2024-07-09
Examiner - re
Stain Stain 
+ + 
Right eye:
AntCh:formed, 3-4+ cell, 3+ flare, few fibrin clots adhered to ventral pupil margin; Vitr: focal clot of vitreal hemorrhage ventrally; Cornea: focal linear area of fibrosis at paraxial 8:00; Iris:3-4+ mydriasis; ALC:pigment dusting; Pecten:see entry
Left eye:
AntCh: formed, 1+ flare, focal large fibrin clot at dorsal pupil margin; Cornea: focal small superficial ulcer at paraxial 3:00 position

2024-07-09 16:30 re

Imagery report
Performed byAMS
ISO via mask
Ventriculus physiologically distended with ingesta.  Short oblique cranioproximally displaced mildly comminuted fracture of the proximal diaphysis of the right femur.

2024-07-09 16:09 re

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Tweezer feed: 30g M, Ch BID
SQ fluids: LRS 22ml BID until 2024-07-10
Ceftiofur CF q72h: 0.06 ml (100 mg/ml) IM on 2024-07-12, 2024-07-15
TMS: 0.64 ml (48 mg/ml) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ
Meloxicam: 0.41 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
NeoPolyGram Drop - OU TID -
Ketorolac - OU TID - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OU TID -
changed eye medications per Ophtho consult. NPO 7/10

2024-07-09 13:34 re

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Tweezer feed: 30g M, Ch BID
SQ fluids: LRS 22ml BID until 2024-07-10
Ceftiofur CF q72h: 0.06 ml (100 mg/ml) IM on 2024-07-12, 2024-07-15
TMS: 0.64 ml (48 mg/ml) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ
Meloxicam: 0.41 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
Ketorolac - OD TID - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OD QID - apply after ketorolac
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OS BID -
Stain: OU

2024-07-09 12:46 re

Collection date2024-07-08
Typechoanal/cloacal swab
AI PCR : Not detected

2024-07-09 12:32 AMS

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 30g M, Ch BID
SQ fluids: LRS 22ml BID until 2024-07-10
Ceftiofur CF q72h: 0.06 ml (100 mg/ml) IM on 2024-07-12, 2024-07-15
TMS: 0.64 ml (48 mg/ml) BID PO
Buprenorphine SR Owl: 0.04 ml (1.8mg/ml) SID SQ
Meloxicam: 0.41 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
Ketorolac - OD TID - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OD TID - apply after ketorolac
Stain: OU

2024-07-09 11:44 AMS
BCS: 1.5

------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ----------------
Attending Veterinarian: Dr. Amberly Sokoloff
Observational examination
Mentation: QDR
Posture: not putting weight on R leg
Vital stats
Heart rate: 280
Respiratory rate: 30
Auscultation: no m/a
Mucous membranes: thickened saliva
Dehydration: <5%
Comments: slightly delayed ulnar refill
Physical examination:
Oral cavity: NSF
Choana: clear
Glottis: clear
Beak: wnl
Cere/nares: wnl
Eyes: anisocoria OD>OS; nictitans covers ~80% of cornea when blinking, upper lid only closes ~25%; OD absent PLR; OD multiple retinal tears & small amount of pigment in anterior chamber
Ears: wnl
Crop: n/a
Feather quality: all rectrices are in blood, some just starting to come in
Wings: scab and bruising at R elbow
Wings - Range of motion: wnl
Wings - Patagium: wnl
Legs/Feet: open oblique proximal diaphyseal fracture of R femur, wound dorsal
Legs/Feet - Range of motion: L wnl
Legs/Feet - Plantar surface: wnl
Legs/Feet- Talons: wnl
Ceolom: wnl
BCS: 1
Vent: wnl
Droppings: DNE
Uropygial gland: wnl

Problem list:
-open oblique proximal diaphyseal fracture of R femur
-minor trauma to R elbow
-OD trauma

LRS 22.5ml SQ
Buprenorphine 0,04ml SQ
Ceftiofur 0.06ml IM
TMS 0.63ml PO

-radiograph this afternoon
-ophtho consult asap

Prognosis: Very guarded


2024-07-09 11:42 SAK

Collection date2024-07-09 11:42:00
PCV39 %
TS4.0 g\dl
Blood lead
Collection date2024-07-09
Level3.40 ug/dL

2024-07-09 10:04 SAK

Assist feed: 30g M, Ch
Meloxicam: 0.41 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Ketorolac - OD - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OD - apply after ketorolac

Left 48g from 7-8-24
Urate present

Drew blood from left jugular for intake labwork

Noted not weight bearing on the right leg. Brief palpation noted a fracture of the right femur. DVM examination needed.

2024-07-08 16:43 re

Food: 30g M, Ch
Meloxicam: 0.41 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) PO
Ketorolac - OD - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OD - apply after ketorolac

2024-07-08 14:41 AMS

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 30g M, Ch BID
Meloxicam: 0.41 ml (1.5 mg/ml soln) BID PO
Ketorolac - OD TID - 1 drop
Optixcare Plus (purple) - OD TID - apply after ketorolac

2024-07-08 13:53 SO
BCS: 1.0

------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ----------------
Attending Veterinarian: Dr. Seth Oster
Observational examination
Mentation: BAR
Posture: Standing
Vital stats
Heart rate: 280
Respiratory rate: 70
Auscultation: WNL
Mucous membranes: Pink and moist
Dehydration: Euhydration
Oral cavity: WNL
Beak: WNL
Cere/nares: WNL
Eyes: Right eye lids not moving and crusted. Negative PLR on right, detached retina present, cornea appears dried and roughened.
Ears: WNL
Crop: WNl
Feather quality: WNL
Wings: WNL
Legs/Feet: WNL
Ceolom: WNL
Vent: WNL

Applied ketorolac and opticare (purple) to right eye, rec giving TID. Ophtho consult when cleared for HPAI. HPAI swab taken

2024-07-08 13:38 SO
Weight: 612 grams

2024-07-08 11:50 SAK

Food: 30g M, Ch

2024-07-08 10:49 BT

Treatment notes from Dr. Billings

2024-07-08 08:00 SAK

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Food: 30g M, Ch BID

Version 3.1.7 - 3.18.63 Sat Sep 07 03:00:31 2024